Frequently Asked Questions
What is DeMolay?
DeMolay International is the world’s largest fraternal organization for young men age 12 to 21. It is specifically designed to provide a good moral environment to young men while teaching leadership skills. The ultimate aim is to build better young men which will, in turn, encourage men to become better citizens, husbands, fathers, friends and leaders of the future. It currently exists in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and nine foreign countries. In the United States, there are 17,000 current members in hundreds of chapters. What makes DeMolay different from other organizations for young men? DeMolay is different from other organizations in several ways. First, it's open to all kinds of guys with all kinds of interests. If a chapter decides they want to, they can devote their chapter's entire attention to basketball. If they want to focus on soccer, chess, video games, drama, mountain cilmbing, volunteering, or stamp collecting, that's O.K. too. Each chapter has its own personality and each member has a chance to make the chapter what he wants it to be. Our chapter members like to vote on attending events they consider fun. Rather than focusing on any one thing, most chapters do a variety of activities. DeMolay is infinitely adaptable to the interests of the chapter members! Another difference is DeMolay's emphasis on training you to be a leader. It doesn't happen by accident. When you join DeMolay, you're on the fast track to learn skills that will help you in school and through the rest of life. |
What is the purpose of DeMolay?
The DeMolay program is based on timeless principles and practical, "hands on" experience. Members develop civic awareness through community service projects, personal responsibility by planning and executing their own activities, and gain self-confidence through leadership and public speaking. Who can become a member of DeMolay? DeMolay is open to any young man between the ages of 12 and 21 who has a belief in a Supreme Being and strives to be of good character. Who belongs to DeMolay? Lots of guys just like us, who want to have fun at great activities and learn things that will prepare them for the future. Are There Any Girls in DeMolay? DeMolay is an organization for young men, but there are girls at most of our activities. There are two organizations for young ladies that are similar to DeMolay called Job's Daughters and Rainbow Girls. |
Chapter and Fraternity
What is a fraternity?
A fraternity is an organization whose members have a special bond with one another regardless of age or position. It is a brotherhood built on common interests and experiences. What are the tangible skills I will learn in DeMolay? By becoming involved and actively participating in the Chapter, there are many skills you will not only learn about, but actually do. The following is a quick list a young man will do in DeMolay that will prepare him for leadership, giving him a head start on his classmates in the race for scholarships and jobs: - Public speaking - Appearance and image maintenance - How to plan events such as dances, car washes and game nights. - How to run a business meeting / parliamentary procedure - How to prepare agendas and schedules - How to assign, utilize, and execute committees - Time management skills - Communications with members, vendors and attendees. How does a young man learn good character in DeMolay? Upon joining DeMolay, the young man will interact with other quality young men and adult Advisors who are dedicated to upholding our virtues. Young men act more upstanding when in the company of other quality young men. Behaving in this manner becomes a habit. This habit helps demonstrate good character now and serves to mold a mature way of thinking as he obtains adulthood. What makes the members want to learn these skills? Few young people are mature enough to desire this type of training without some type of fun. When Demo lays tell their friends about it, they discuss the fun aspects. Demo lays have a great deal of fun and excitement all the while they are learning to act with good character as they learn leadership skills. In order for fun to be had, members learn that they must plan it. Chapters routinely have dances, attend sporting events, hold fundraisers, play games, or sports. These events are a lot of fun, but the key is that the members are learning in the planning process. |
Is DeMolay a secret fraternity?
We are not a secret fraternity, and hold no secrets from non-members as to our type of organization, our purposes, activities and beliefs. What are your secrets? The only thing that someone might consider secret about DeMolay is our passwords, signs, and handshakes. These are an important part of our history and traditions since 1919 that make DeMolay unique to other clubs for youth. This is our way, like all fraternities, to make being a member really special. What types of activities does a DeMolay Chapter have?
Within certain parameters, the activities of a DeMolay Chapter are limited only by the imaginations of its members. Members plan and hold social functions, fundraising projects, civic service projects, athletic activities, travel opportunities, and much, much more. Insurance restrictions prohibit Chapters from engaging in certain activities such as skydiving and bungee jumping. However, overall, chapters have a wide range of activities from which they can choose as they plan their project calendars. In addition, there are opportunities to serve in statewide and international capacities, to visit other DeMolay Chapters, to earn scholarships and prizes, and interact with our sister organizations, the Rainbows Girls and Job’s Daughters for young ladies. Who runs the show? The members do. Officers for each Chapter are elected from among the membership. Those officers are responsible for running the Chapter meetings and coordinating the responsibilities of event planning. Every six months, the Chapter elects new officers so that different guys will have the chance to lead. The decisions of the Chapter are discussed at Chapter meetings and voted on by all members. The adult Advisors can give input, but they won't interfere with the chapter's decision unless it's absolutely necessary. The Advisors are responsible for the health, safety and welfare of the Chapter and Member. The overall direction and operation of the Chapter is up to the members themselves. |
Parents and Advisors
Are there notable people who have been DeMolays?
You may not have heard of DeMolay perhaps, but maybe you’ve heard of some of the people who were DeMolays as teenagers. Have you ever heard of these famous DeMolay alumni? Entertainers Walt Disney, John Wayne, Burl Ives, Buddy Ebson, and Mel Blanc; newsmen Dan Rather, Walter Cronkite, David Goodnow, Willard Scott, and Paul Harvey; comedians Tommy and Dick Smothers, writer John Steinbeck; Coach Tom Osborne; Astronaut Frank Borman; Governors Carroll Campbell and Mel Carnahan; athletes Fran Tarkenton and Pete Rose; or former President Bill Clinton? Many of these individuals and other community and business leaders credit part of their success to their DeMolay experience. Does it cost anything to join DeMolay? DeMolay has a lifetime membership fee of $40 which is surprisingly affordable. There are no yearly dues or fees. Your membership entitles you to take part in the meetings and events. Some of the Chapter's activities are paid for by their fundraising activities and other times, members must pay their own way. But don't're going to get a lot more out of each activity than you put in. DeMolay tries to make events affordable to everyone and though we do have to pay for some of the activities that it is to be expected. Is DeMolay is a Tax Deductible Charity? DeMolay is a recognized 501(c)3 Charity by the IRS. Therefore all contributions to the organization are tax deductible. Additionally, our adult workers may deduct certain expenses incurred by volunteering for a chapter (such as gas, refreshment, lodging, etc.). For more information contact the Chapter and consult with your tax advisor. How can I support my son in DeMolay? Behind the scenes, a parent can assist with making sure the boy stays active with the Chapter and its activities. Upon joining DeMolay, the young man will be unfamiliar with its procedures and methods. Some may even approach the first few events as being stupid or not “cool”. We ask that you give it six months. After that he will be able to make an educated decision about his involvement. After he becomes familiar with the methods and activities, chances are his comfort level will allow him to take part and lead the very activities he silently ridiculed before! Parents are welcome to attend the induction ceremonies as well as any Chapter meeting or function. Many DeMolays want their parents to attend public functions, athletic events, social activities and civic projects. In DeMolay there is a place for any parent wishing to be active with their son. Can I as a parent attend a meeting and see what it's like? Sure! There is nothing in or about DeMolay that you as parents shouldn't know. In fact, there isn't a DeMolay activity that parents or guardians are not welcome to attend. It is not required however we have many parents who become advisors for their son's chapter. |
Who supervises the activities of a DeMolay Chapter?
Activities and projects of a DeMolay Chapter are always supervised by a group of adults who comprise an "Advisory Council". This group is usually made up of Parents, Senior DeMolays and Masons from the sponsoring body. An Advisor for DeMolay can be any adult (over the age of 21), male or female, parents, coaches, teachers, clergy, Senior DeMolays, and Masons. They just need to have an interest in working with the young men and dedicated to developing their character and leadership skills. These advisors must go through a multi-level approval process, background verification, and receive specific DeMolay and Youth Protection training before being able to work directly with a Chapter. DeMolay wants to provide a safe environment for its members and the scrutiny of its adult workers is a small part of DeMolay’s commitment to youth protection and risk management. What are the Advisors responsible for? Ultimately the DeMolay Advisors are responsible for overseeing all aspects of the operation of a Chapter and ensuring that they operate within the statutes set forth by DeMolay International (the International governing body). The Advisors help the members plan and carry out programs and activities of a Chapter. They also supervise those activities onsite while they are happening. They are responsible for disciplinary matters that may come before the Chapter. Often times they are the Chapter administrators and record-keepers for paperwork that is required to be maintained. These individuals are respected members of the community who donate their time and money to assist the growth of these young men. To summarize, a DeMolay Advisor is responsible for the health, safety and welfare of the DeMolay Chapter and its members. How are adult advisors selected? Advisors must be at least 21 years of age and can male or female. Those wishing to be an Advisor must complete the required paperwork and submit to a thorough background verification process. All potential Advisors must complete a training program teaching them about the DeMolay program, Youth Protection guidelines and the process of risk management. There is also a multi-level approval process. DeMolay International annually randomly rechecks continuing advisors, and every advisor's background verification is rechecked every five years. What are the ceremonies my son would go through? Ever since DeMolay began in 1919, all of its members have gone through the same induction ceremony, including John Wayne, Walt Disney, Walter Cronkite and Dan Rather. To be a DeMolay you must go through two levels, which we call "degrees." The first is the Initiatory Degree where the Seven Cardinal Virtues or "precepts" of a DeMolay are explained to you by the members of the chapter. The second degree is the DeMolay Degree where we dress up in costume and put on a short play for the initiates to watch. The play is about the trials of Jacques DeMolay (the person DeMolay is named after), and teaches us about the bond of friendship and loyalty we share as DeMolay members. |
When and where do you
Most of the Chapters meet in a Masonic Lodge Hall. We meet twice a month to conduct business, plan projects and activities, to do the induction ceremony for new members, work on some type of project, or finishing last minute details on an upcoming fun event. What time does the meetings start? Depending on the chapter and the nights they meet - a lot of them start the meeting at 7:00pm. Most people arrive between 6:30 and 6:45pm to help setup, take care of last minute planning, and have some social time before the meeting starts. |
How long do the meetings take?
Our goal is for the meetings to last no long than 90 minutes. However if we have special guests or activities they can be a bit longer. You should be informed in advance when those meetings will be. If you need to leave early before a meeting has ended, just let your Chapter Advisor know before the meeting begins. How big is DeMolay? DeMolay was started in 1919, and since that time over 4 million young men just like us have joined. Today there are about 1500 chapters, located in the United States, Canada, Brazil, Europe, South America, and several other countries. |
Is DeMolay a religious organization?
No. DeMolay teaches that one of the steps toward becoming a happy and successful person is developing a strong faith in your beliefs and being true to it. But just as important, DeMolay teaches to have respect and toleration for the beliefs of others. DeMolay does not teach a specific religion and does not require belonging to a church. Membership is open for young men from all religions. |
Why does DeMolay allow members of all religions to join?
The value of having membership across religious spectrum is in the opportunity it provides for members of one religion or denomination to understand the perspective of the other. The diversity of this country provides opportunities to be introduced to faiths, cultures, and traditions from around the world. By allowing young men of different backgrounds to participate it prepares them to rely upon his faith and respect the faith of others. This principle will be very important as he becomes a more active citizen. He will value the culture and traditions of others while standing confidently upon his own beliefs. |
So, How Do I Get Started?
DeMolay has chapters in many areas of Washington as well as all over the world. You or your son can volunteer to get involved and apply for membership at the chapter closest to you and get started in your career as a DeMolay.
DeMolay has chapters in many areas of Washington as well as all over the world. You or your son can volunteer to get involved and apply for membership at the chapter closest to you and get started in your career as a DeMolay.