Final Step: Becoming Involved

The requirements for membership are few, but each is important. To join DeMolay, a young man must:
1. Be between the ages of 12 and 21
2. Be of good character and reputation
3. Believe in God, a Supreme Being, or Deity
4. Complete an application
5. Attend a 2-part induction ceremony
1. Be between the ages of 12 and 21
2. Be of good character and reputation
3. Believe in God, a Supreme Being, or Deity
4. Complete an application
5. Attend a 2-part induction ceremony
So you'd like your son to join? Great! Download the Membership Application, fill it out, and contact the closest chapter near you to turn it in! Would you like to get involved as an Advisor? Contact a chapter near you, and the Chapter Chairman will guide you through the training and screening process.
Fill out an Application, and submit it to your local chapter! |
Find a DeMolay Chapter Near You!
"I feel a great sense of obligation and gratitude toward the Order of DeMolay for the important part it played in my life. Its precepts have been invaluable in making decisions, facing dilemmas and crises. DeMolay stands for all that is good for the family and for our country. I feel privileged to have enjoyed membership in DeMolay"
-Walt Disney.