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Representative DeMolay Application Form
Indicates required field
Parent/Guardian Phone Number
Your Phone Number
Member ID Number
Chapter Number
Line 1
Line 2
Zip Code
Congratulations! You have taken the first step toward becoming a Representative DeMolay, which is one of the most challenging awards a DeMolay can earn. The form itself is not challenging to fill out. It is challenging to be completely honest about yourself when you are
working on the form.
Remember, that honesty is the key!
The purpose of this evaluation is to
help you discover those areas in which you have strength and also those that you should strengthen. This is why you are required to give a Personal Rating in each area to become a Representative DeMolay.You do not have to be a Master Councilor or have the Blue Honor Key to receive the Representative DeMolay Award. However, you will not receive the Representative DeMolay Award if you are not honest and thorough when reporting your DeMolay accomplishments.
Filial Love
…that love which existed before we were born, has remained with us all our life through, and will follow
us even beyond the grave.
A DeMolay should have an attitude of thoughtfulness and cooperation in the home and display it in his home relationships
Who is currently living in your household? List their names and relation to you.
What duties around the home are you regularly responsible for? (i.e. car care, yard work, farm duties, contribute money to support of home, car of brothers and/or sisters, cleaning of your room, chores, etc.)
Home Letter. A letter or statement from one or both parents orguardian to cover this. If your parent(s) or guardian feel your home relations have become more satisfactory since becoming a DeMolay, their letter should state why they think so such as improved courtesy and cooperation in the home or increased familial responsibility.
I would rate my self in this area as:
Above Average
Needs Improvement
Reverence for Sacred Things
“A young man crossing the threshold of DeMolay for the first time professes a deep and abiding faith in one living
and true God.
A DeMolay should appreciate the importance of religious ideals and the value of the Holy Place of Worship, both to society in general and as a means of cultivating and expressing religious ideals in his own life.
What has influenced you in determining your religious beliefs?
To what, if any, church do you belong/attend?
State the approximate number of times you have attended during the past year:
Regular Worship Services
Sunday School
Youth Group
Other religious services (state what)
Describe your religious participation (usher, choir, offices, conferences, retreats, youth society, volunteer work, church groups, etc.)
Approximately how much time do you spend each week reading the Bible or other religious writings?
Letter from a Religious Leader. A letter or statement from your religious leader may be attached to aid in the evaluation of this form. If your religious leader feels that your devotion to God has improved or deepened as a result of your membership in DeMolay, his/her letter should state so.
Max file size: 20MB
I would rate my self in this area as:
Above Average
Needs Improvement
A DeMolay should have an appreciation of nature and an understanding of the importance of a clean and healthy environment.
Explain briefly why you think nature preservation is important:
In what ways does nature relate to God and the DeMolay precept of Reverence for Sacred Things?
What activities do you participate in to ensure that the environment will be clean and healthy for future generations?
I would rate my self in this area as:
Above Average
Needs Improvement
“…a courtesy that transcends friendships, a courtesy which reaches to the stranger, to the aged, to all men.
A DeMolay should be able to demonstrate habits of self-control. In this section, you and your Chapter Advisor should together rate you in each area.
How well do you control your temper, and in what ways do you think you can improve?
My Chapter Advisor and I rate myself in this area as:
Above Average
Needs Improvement
How would you rate your cleanness of speech (freedom from profanity) and how could you improve the quality of your spoken words?
My Chapter Advisor and I rate myself in this area as:
Above Average
Needs Improvement
How courteous are you to family and friends (including Chapter members and Advisors) both in private and public settings?
My Chapter Advisor and I rate myself in this area as:
Above Average
Needs Improvement
Open Letter: A letter or statement from a member of your family OTHER THAN your parents or guardians (such as grandparents, brother or sister, aunt or uncle, neighbor, etc) may be attached to aid in the evaluation of this form. You can also ask another Chapter member or DeMolay to write a letter for you. If this person feels that you have become more courteous since joining the Order of DeMolay, the letter should state how so.
Max file size: 20MB
A DeMolay should value women and demonstrate his respect for them through his words and deeds. In this section, you and your Chapter Advisor should rate you in each area:
How well do you treat your mother, grandmother, sister(s), and other female family members? How highly do you speak of them to others? Why?
My Chapter Advisor and I rate myself in this area as:
Above Average
Needs Improvement
How well do you speak of women in general, both in private and public settings?
In what ways do you feel that women are degraded in our society? If so, what do you do to prevent that from occurring?
My Chapter Advisor and I rate myself in this area as:
Above Average
Needs Improvement
“As long as we remain faithful to these pledges, as long as there is an Order of DeMolay — we are one.
A DeMolay should participate in the activities of the Order, not only in the business meetings of his Chapter, but the social events, both at the Chapter and jurisdictional level. It is not necessary to have held an office in the Chapter to be eligible for the Representative DeMolay award. Some DeMolays, particularly in large Chapters, have rendered most helpful and loyal service in many ways without ever holding office. No DeMolay will be awarded the Representative DeMolay award unless the answers show that he may be said so to be genuinely interested in the work of DeMolay.
When did you join the Order of DeMolay?
How many of your Chapter’s meetings did you attend last year?
What percent was this of the meetings held?
Have you passed both obligations in open Chapter? If so, when?
List the Chapter offices you have held and the number of times you have held them:
List the ritual parts you have given from memory in the Initiatory Degree:
List the committees you have served on, projects managed, events planned, in DeMolay
List the ritual parts you have given from memory in the DeMolay Degree:
List the public ceremonies you have given from memory:
Does your Chapter have a Merit Bar Program?
If so, please state the number of each merit bar you have received next to the appropriate category:
Correspondence Course
Fine Arts
Masonic Attendance
Civic Service
Masonic Service
How many petitions for membership have you first line signed?
Have you received the Founders Membership Award?
How many Blue Honor Keys have you received? (include stars)
Have you attended a Leadership Conference? If so, where?
Have you completed or enrolled in the Leadership Correspondence Course?
How many LCC's have you completed?
Have you read the book “Hi Dad”?
I would rate myself in this area as:
Above Average
Needs Improvement
A DeMolay should be interested in physical activities and actively participate in them, not only to ensure physical fitness but also to develop teamwork and leadership skills.
Have you actively participated in at least one sport involving team play, such as football, softball, soccer, and the like? If so, which ones?
On what teams, organized or unorganized, have you played during the previous two years (school, church, civic, work-related, etc.)?
What, if any, letters, honors, awards, leadership positions, etc, have you obtained for any of the above activities?
Letter from coach, A letter or statement from your coach(s) may be attached to aid in the evaluation of this form. If your coach(s) feels that your spirit of teamwork has improved as a result of your membership in DeMolay, his/her letter should state so.
Max file size: 20MB
Press notices, photographs, of your participation may be attached to aid in the evaluation of this form, but are not required. Submit copies of any originals.
Max file size: 20MB
I would rate myself in this area as:
Above Average
Needs Improvement
A DeMolay should participate in a variety of social activities that provide wholesome recreation, in both DeMolay and non-DeMolay settings. Such activities include involvement in local, national, and international organizations, as well as informal group activities such as clubs, teams, school clubs, and the like.
To what organizations other than DeMolay (i.e. Boy Scouts, Junior Achievement, FFA, 4-H, etc.) do you belong to?
Of those listed above, which organizations’ meetings do you attend regularly?
What informal social activities do you regularly participate in?
I would rate myself in this area as:
Above Average
Needs Improvement
A DeMolay should be a well rounded individual including technological abilities. The internet has changed the way we process things, communicate, and interact as a society.
Do you have a favorite website or sites you visit often? Please list them:
Do you have a personal website? If so, what is it?
Do you play online games with friends or other people? Why or Why not?
Do you prefer to play alone or with friends when it comes to video, computer, or online games? Why?
How many hours a day would you say you spend on the internet ? (including email, messaging, gaming, blogging, chatting, etc). Is that too much time? Why or not?
I would rate myself in this area as:
Above Average
Needs Improvement
“A DeMolay can never justly be false to his vows, his promises, his friends, his God.
A DeMolay should give careful attention to his career and future goals as he decides which activities to participate in throughout his life.
What career(s) are you most interested in?
What or who has influenced you the most in determining your future goals?
What are your future goals other than those relating to your chosen career?
I would rate myself in this area as:
Above Average
Needs Improvement